Lone Sun Builders in Walls & Ceilings’ 6th Annual Top 50 Contractors.
Walls & Ceilings Magazine
2018 August

August 7, 2018
(article available at Walls & Ceilings. Web Version | Digital Version)
Click here to go right to the Top 50 Contractors list!
We asked contractors to provide us with their information and why they feel they are among the top contractors. It was great to read from all the different and varying voices.
We continue to learn a lot about what makes a great contractor stand out.
All of these Top 50 contractors have displayed numerous skill-sets that warrant them to be among the best. We encourage readers to visit any of these company’s websites and you’ll see a portfolio that showcase these subcontractors’ work and their story, in their own words. What makes these companies the best is their thirst to stay progressive and relevant. That means employing new technology, actively looking for new products, competitive employment opportunities, safety departments and so much more. All in all, their talents have sustained their business model and made them industry leaders.
Some of the Top 50 reflect companies that have been around for decades, while some are still in their infancy. Yet, all in this list have spoken to us of their plans for growth and to create some type of legacy.
In short, the turn-out of submissions this year was again simply excellent.
It pleases us to see all the submissions and we thank all that wanted to be a part of this annual feature. We anticipate that the number of entrants will continue to climb for next year and we look forward to reading and accepting all your submissions.
Until then, W&C congratulates all the Top 50 winners.